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Between nature and artifice, the harmony between landscape and architecture

Giugno 04, 2023

APPOINTMENT IN THE GARDEN Between nature and artifice, the harmony between landscape and architecture

Thematic guided tour
by Sistema Museo
Tempietto sul Clitunno - 12 am

Friday 2 and Sunday 4 June 2023, two special days dedicated to the enhancement of the Tempietto di Campello sul Clitunno, it will be possible to visit the UNESCO monument for free from 11:00 to 19:00. For the occasion and in conjunction with the event APPOINTMENT IN THE GARDEN, Sistema Museo Sunday 4 June at 12:00 proposes Between nature and artifice, the harmony between landscape and architecture, a guided tour to discover the peculiarities of the building Longobard and its profound relationship with the surrounding environment.

Participation fees:
Full € 5.00
Reduced € 4.00 for Spoleto Card holders and from 7 to 17 years
Free up to 6 years
Free admission on the occasion of the festivity of 2 June and on the first Sunday
of the month "Sunday at the Museum".

The guided tour requires MANDATORY BOOKING subject to availability.

Information and reservations: